Original title : ちっさい戦士があらわれた!
Circle : ZipZap
Doujinka : 松田ろご
Ratings : G
Size : A5, 24 pages
Price : ¥469
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Summary :

One day, Joseph and Caesar found the chibi version of themselves on their dining table. Joseph's first question was of course when did Caesar gave birth in which Caesar replied with a fist to his head after saying that it was impossible for him to give birth. Caesar then called Lisa Lisa because he didn't understand what happened and Joseph was doing his "Lisa Lisa will say 'This is the effect of hamon' " in which Lisa Lisa did say after she arrived. However, Jojo's face was suddenly covered with soap bubble and Lisa Lisa asked about it in which Joseph replied chibi Caesar did it after with his power because Joseph kept poking his cheek.

So, apparently their chibi version still had their power (but they said they didn't know the principle). Chibi Caesar "said" to Joseph that he was sorry for earlier and Joseph just kissed him saying that he is so cute. Seeing how close chibi Caesar with Joseph, Caesar tried to do the same with chibi Joseph (but he ignored him). Caesar got depressed and Joseph cheered him up by telling Caesar that maybe he wasn't the type of person who like or be friendly with someone so easily They then gave food to them (They tore the bread to small pieces and gave it to them). Caesar just thought about how adorable this chibi Joseph. Joseph laughed at his chibi version because he got food on his face, even though he himself had some. Caesar commented on how both of them ate the same way and he would wipe it off but chibi Joseph just slapped his hand away, making our dear Caesar depressed again (and Joseph said that Caesar can still wipe him). The chibis then met Suzie Q who said they were so cute. She then asked them if the chibis can go with her to the laundry. She hold them on her breasts and Joseph was all like "I want to be a chibi too!" and Caesar offered his chest. When they were on the field, they noticed some bubbles and then saw chibi Joseph inside a bubble because he angered chibi Caesar (or more like tsundere Caesars. Yes. Both of them) Chibi Joseph rubbing his cheek to chibi Caesar as seen on the panel and Joseph commented about how fast they made up. He then asked chibi Caesar who did he like more, his chibi self or him. Chibi Caesar fainted because of the confusion or like panicking because he couldn't choose and Joseph quickly apologized and said that he didn't need to worry about which Joseph he like more (after obligatory Caesaaaarrrrr)

While Caesar doing some work, chibi Joseph sorta climbed to his hand and Caesar was just so happy and impressed and did that pose. Joseph asked him what he was doing and Caesar just told him to leave him alone. Both Caesar woke Joseph up from their nap because they had to go to the city together. Joseph was taking a bath when he found out that there was no soap left. But don't worry, chibi Caesar came to help by providing soap bubble. They had a little argument and then Joseph was annoyed and grumbled that Caesar was a piece of shit and stuffs but then he saw chibi Joseph rubbing his cheeks to chibi Caesar and then he just instantly went to Caesar to apologize. In the city, Joseph was down because he couldn't eat gelato because of the mask while his chibi self could. Joseph was then crashed into by someone and it turned out that he was a robber and had robbed their wallet. Joseph chased the robber but fell down epicly, face to the ground. Joseph was hurt because of the fall and chibi Caesar used his power to heal him. Joseph thanked him by kissing him on the cheek, resulting in chibi Caesar made Joseph's head inside a bubble (you know... Like Sandy from Sponge Bob). Caesar asked what did Joseph do this time and just told Caesar to help him because he couldn't break the bubble.

Chibi Joseph went to Lisa Lisa (and what happened was on the above panel). Basically Caesar and Joseph tried to find chibi Joseph and then, seeing where he was at that time, Thug! Caesar was back for a moment. It was night time and Joseph tucked the chibis in then commenting about how now as he and Caesar's adult time. They had sex off screen (you could only see the SFX and the chibis were staring the whole time. After that, Joseph took the chibis on the basket and said to Caesar that he would sleep in his own room now.
Comment : CUTE CUTE CUTEEEE. THIS DOUJIN IS SO CUTE OH MY GOD. Boft of them are being so adorkables and their chibi self is just too cute. I feel myself getting diabetes from the cuteness of this doujin.